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June 02, 2019

Oboe Rockstar Recital

My name is Kelsey Leahy, also known as:

• Oboe Rockstar
• Origami Mami
• Exceedingly Useful
• Organizational Wizard
• Cat Wrangler
• Ultra Trustworthy

Join me Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 3:00 PM in Daniel Recital Hall at Converse College for a Lawson Faculty Recital. 

My life is my art, and it is time for me to own my artist identity. 
Mostly I play the oboe and show up places.

I have been so focused on helping other people that I forgot my main purpose in life: 

Sequence of Events: 
I. "Because I exist, I resist."
II. Metamorphoses After Ovid, Benjamin Britten
III. 1000 Cranes Backstory
IV. Bagatelles for Solo Oboe, Gordon Jacob
V. How Can I Help? 

Truthfully, though, the order doesn't matter.

Re-Housewarming Reception to follow across the street! Bring snacks.

April 22, 2018

Ring and Sing

Performed with the handbell choir and chamber group at Boiling Springs First Baptist 

April 21, 2018

Spartanburg Earth Day Festival

Using Your Resources Wisely: a 30 minute presentation at the Unitarian Universalist Church discussing Success Initiative and Project Hub Spartanburg with a focus on using the resources already available. (Video to come soon.)

March 23, 2018

Labyrinth Walk

The Central United Methodist Church in Spartanburg, SC will have a 45' hand painted labyrinth with musical accompaniment. 

February 25, 2018

Morning Service

Tartini, Sonata in G Minor and choir accompaniment. 

February 13, 2018

Concerto Competition

Accompanied soloists featured at Dorman High School during the orchestra concert. 

December 28, 2017

Tech-n-Tinker: Kelsey Makes Connections

A surprise Tech-n-Tinker! The stars have aligned and Kelsey Leahy will be in the building to discuss a decade of connections made in Spartanburg, a thriving city that is full of surprises if you know where to look. 

She will have her oboe and reed making equipment to show the process of making a reed by hand, and you will even be able to try out some reeds to see if you have what it takes to be an oboe player! This program is powered by Project Hub Spartanburg funded in part by Chapman Cultural Center, its donors, the County and City of Spartanburg and the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC.

Kelsey's 1000 Cranes Project will also be present for viewing and she will tell the story of how those cranes are getting theatre into Carver Middle School. 

If you are in Spartanburg we are challenging you to show up. We need everyone to make it happen. Everything is connected, we just have to keep seeking new information! 

December 17, 2017

The Song Heard Round the World

Morningside First Baptist, Spartanburg, SC

Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra

December 10, 2017

Christmas // Then, Today, Tomorrow

Boiling Springs First Baptist, SC


To see the video, click link below and select Archives tab. Scroll down until you see the correct title and date. 

October 22, 2017

Bach Cantata No 80

Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC​

Chamber Singers with orchestra and soloists will perform Cantata 80 by J. S. Bach: "A Might Fortress is Our God" in celebration of the 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation. All are welcome to attend this free event. 6:00 PM in the sanctuary. 

October 30, 2016

Our Faither in Heiven

First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC

Our Faither in Heiven, T. A. Berger

Chancel Choir; Kelsey Leahy, oboe; Mike Reuter, drums

December 13, 2015

Christmas Service

First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC

Fantasia on “Greensleeves” Ralph Vaughan Williams

Fantasia on Christmas Carols (England) Ralph Vaughan Williams

Il est ne le divin enfant (France) arr. John Rutter

Still, Still, Still (Austria) arr. Mack Wilberg

April 24, 2015

Senior Recital

​Converse College, Spartanburg, SC

  • ​William Grant Still, Incantation and Dance

    • Julie Smith, Piano

  • Mark Biggam, The Morning Cat

    • Mary Luke, Soprano​

  • Gordon Jacob, Seven Bagatelles for Soloe Oboe

  • Madeleine Dring, Three Piece Suite, Romance

  • Paul Hidemith, Oboe Sonata

    • Julie Smith, Piano

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Katy Hinckley (L), Dr. Kelly Vaneman (C), Kelsey Leahy (R) during a performance at Church of the Advent. 

Where will I show up next?

©2017 by Kelsey Leahy

Want to help get me there?

Donations accepted but not expected. 

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Follow the journey online: 

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This website was funded in part by Chapman Cultural Center, its donors, the County and City of Spartanburg and the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC. 

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