Existence: Curated
My life is on display
I am a speaker of words
A player of tunes
I create my own existence
Moment to moment, day to day
I find magic in the mundane
Listening and observing all
In order to catch the performance
You must first be fully aware
Of self, others, and situations
Secondly you must SHOW UP
Be fully present and embrace reality
Focus in on what's in front of you
Notice the nuances of the now
While realizing the full potential
Join me for a bonus night of Channukah
Observe as I showcase my life's work:
Existing fully present in space and time
Relishing the fact that I am seen and heard
Catch the act in person if you can
Or watch it live from your screen
Otherwise gain access to the recording
Via Patreon.com as an Observant Otter
Join me as I journey through life
Now here, soon to be elsewhere
Beginning 2021 in the Caribbean
Learning earth skills while working an organic farm
Watch as I keep flying and shining
A little raven transforming and connecting
Generally seeking out new experiences
Always taking the time to rest easy.
After spending nine months serving with AmeriCorps Cape Cod I was released from my service (early due to pandemic) and was for the first time in my life a completely free agent. No job, no school, no pets, no significant other, and no obligations tying me to a specific place or purpose.
I spent a month in Tennessee with my dad while I sifted through the entirety of my past (which he had graciously stored while I was in Massachusetts...), enjoying the company of cows and birds.
The following three months were spent in Decatur, GA as an artist-in-residence, living under the radar in plain sight. My original intentions had been to make a splash in Atlanta, putting myself out there to make music and art with everyone that would have me, but the state of the world kept me focused in on my self and my immediate community. Lucky for me I was still able to create music and art with a handful of delightful folks and I have kept my health!
Since leaving the residency I have been living the vagabond oboist life in Georgia, creating my own existence while playing music and folding paper. I have been freelancing as I can as an oboist, origami artist, and organizational wizard. I have been able to take time to explore the woods and I have been able to find peace within myself.
On the final day of 2020 I will be flying down to the Caribbean to participate in a work exchange on an organic farm for six months. My ticket has been purchased thanks to the kindness and support of my community, and in the next seven weeks I will continue to shakedown my belongings as I navigate these new waters.
To celebrate my growth and departure I will be performing on the final night of Channukah for a small audience that has supported me over the last few years, but has been especially present in my life during these curious covid days. The performance will be live streamed by Lambix Studios for tips and donations to support my travel via PayPal or CashApp $VagabondOboist. Know that your love will help get me from here to there. The recording will be available to patrons that support my art as an Observant Otter on Patreon at $10 a month. All levels of support on Patreon receivea print copy of the Fragments (a small poetry collection I wrote in 2014) and a piece of origami created just for you.
I am grateful for every person and every instant that has led me to this moment, and I am looking forward to seeing how the future plays out. I'll be back stateside by July and hope to be back in the woods with the happy campers of Taproot Music Camp as I re-acclimate to life on the continent with a slew of new skills learned from the island.
Remember to be kind and stay hydrated out there.